Door-to-door on Marmot and Porcupine

I've been enjoying warm hospitality on cool evenings in the past week, as I did 55 doors in the Marmot/Porcupine area.  The Hallowe'en decorations are really creative, as well!

Several people pointed out that - even though they may have a suggestion or two - they are generally satisfied with the services provided by the Town.  Particular positive notice went to the new recycling program, possibly top-of-mind because the blue bins have already been installed in this neighbourhood!  Three households mentioned the proposals for Rec Centre upgrades - they had all been happy to hear that the existing arena and location would be re-used in this project. 

Individual households mentioned being happy about:

  • the flourescent yellow crosswalk signpost markers and the new lighted sidewalk:  "They really make people notice!"
  • seeing Council thinking over and analyzing projects
  • having the speed control trailer sign visit their neighbourhood
  • Banff Avenue:  "It looks great!"
  • hybrid busses:  "What an improvement - no more black exhaust!"
  • improved snow-clearing in their neighbourhood
  • seniors' services, especially the bus:  "As seniors, we are very well-treated here in Banff'!"

Suggestions, ideas, issues and concerns included several mentions of Banff Live and several suggestions that Council should exercise tight control over spending, diminish debt and focus on core services and programs.  Two households mentioned a need for more downtown parking in the summer, and two households mentioned the proposed picture "icons" for the wayfinding project, and recommended that the Sulphur Mountain icon be the gondola rather than Sanson Peak.

Individual households mentioned:

  • a concern about community tidiness:  "dead cars and junk in the back alleys"
  • a suggestion for future town parties:  "Central park barbecue with local music"
  • a request to be notified when new town trees are planted in neighbourhoods:  "We'll take care of them if needed"
  • a concern about traffic and pedestrian behaviour in the downtown
  • a request for a traffic light at Banff and Marmot Cres:  "Let drivers know they're in town, off the highway, slow 'em down!"
  • a request for a concrete skate park
  • a suggestion for a ped-way over the railway tracks to provide safe access to the Rec Centre
  • a concern about the smell of the sewage treatment plant as it impacts golfers
  • a request for increased snow-clearing in residential neighbourhoods
  • a request for more paving updates
  • a concern about late night noise
  • a hope that the new car wash will open soon.