Wednesday evening in Middle Springs 2

It was a blustery evening in Middle Springs 2, but the views across to Cascade and the Fairholme Range were gorgeous, as always.

What do people like?  The look of the new Banff Avenue, the recycling/organics program, the new busses and what people have seen so far of the wayfinding program -- all these items were mentioned positively by more than one household.   

What are their concerns?  Banff Live was the most-mentioned item, and there were several other ideas for improvement mentioned by individual households:

  • a concern about the cost of and market for an elaborate sports complex
  • a suggestion that Parks Canada should "lose" the totem pole from Central Park
  • a request for more long-term care spaces for local seniors, so that they can stay in Banff
  • a concern about the difficulty of attracting and retaining quality staff
  • a concern about the level of taxes paid by small businesses, and the way those taxes have increased over the past 5 years
  • a request for a fence around the Middle Springs 2 recycling bins, so that items left beside them will not blow around.
  • a concern about the marking and advance notice for the double-lane lefthand turn at the south end of the bridge.
  • a concern about the safety of and the marking of the mid-block crosswalks on Banff Ave