Saturday afternoon in Middle Springs 1 and 2g

What a gorgeous last day of summer it was -- kids were playing, neighbours were chatting on their porches. 

What did I hear at the doors today?  In terms of what people like, the favourite is still the look of the new Banff Avenue - with a couple of side comments about being glad that the construction is over!  Recycling and organics got several mentions as well, along with a hope that Middle Springs will get its own organics and plastics bins, and one wistful request for curbside recycling pickup.

Top of the list for concerns continued to be Banff Live, with community standards coming in second (people were expressing concerns about properties that are not maintained to the standard of the neighbourhood).  Bridge traffic was mentioned from a few angles:  general concern about bridge congestion, concern that the turn arrows at Banff and Buffalo are not on long enough, concern that the two-lane left turn at the admin building end is not well line-painted, and not well understood by drivers.

Two households also expressed concern about the town's role in tourism marketing.  "Run the town, don't sell the town, leave that to others" was one quote.

Individual households mentioned liking the following:

  • FCSS: "give it 10 votes!".
  • The town website:  "easy to use, use it a lot".
  • The new busses:  "they're so visible".

Individual households mentioned the following concerns, issues, questions:

  • a request to curb the spending on consultants
  • a hope that the youth program for 13-16 year olds will be operational soon
  • a concern about the quality of snow ploughing
  • a question about when the final lift of asphalt will be done in Middle Springs 2g
  • a request for more visitor parking in 2g, near the emergency vehicle pad
  • a concern about Banff avenue design, specifically the narrowness for bikes and the trees on the corners
  • a hope that the pedestrian bridge will go ahead